Assessing the completeness of reporting of observational studies in Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. Cross sectional study

  • Mary Bravo-Peña Department of Anesthesiology, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
  • Luis Eduardo Barona-Fong Department of Anesthesiology, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
  • Julio Campo-López Department of Anesthesiology, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
  • Yeni Arroyave Department of Surgery, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
  • José Andrés Calvache a. Department of Anesthesiology, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. b. Department of Anesthesiology, Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Observational study, Anesthesiology, Epidemiologic studies, Medical education, Statistical analysis


Introduction: The STROBE statement (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology), consisting of 22 points, was published in 2007 with the aim of improving the reporting of observational research.

Objective: To determine the completeness of reporting of observational studies published in the Colombian Journal of Anaesthesiology between 2000 and 2013 using STROBE.

Methods: Cross-sectional study. The units of analysis were observational studies published in Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology between 2000 (volume 28) and 2013 (volume 41). Of the randomly selected studies, 40% were included. The primary outcome was the completeness of the report of each study. Using two groups, the researchers applied the STROBE statement independently, supported by an arbitrator. Descriptive analyses, time series analyses and multiple linear regression analyses were used.

Results: Overall, 55 studies were identified and 22 (40%) were randomly chosen. The median overall completeness according to STROBE was 57%, 95% CI (48-66%). Items with higher completeness in the reports were the Title and Introduction (89% each), followed by Methods 53%, Results 50%, and Discussion 58%. There were no significant differences between before and after the publication of STROBE.

Conclusion: The completeness of reporting of observational studies in the Colombian Journal of Anaesthesiology is close to 60%, according to results worldwide. No change was found as a result of the publication of the STROBE Statement in 2007.


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How to Cite
Bravo-Peña M, Barona-Fong LE, Campo-López J, Arroyave Y, Calvache JA. Assessing the completeness of reporting of observational studies in Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. Cross sectional study. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 26];45(1):31-8. Available from:


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How to Cite
Bravo-Peña M, Barona-Fong LE, Campo-López J, Arroyave Y, Calvache JA. Assessing the completeness of reporting of observational studies in Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. Cross sectional study. Colomb. J. Anesthesiol. [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 26];45(1):31-8. Available from:


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